When you work for a data-driven company, certain things are bound to happen. Mention the name VodafoneZiggo at a birthday party, for example, and for sure some people will start bombarding you with questions or complaints about slow internet or queues on the phone. Inge Peters and Laurens Koster don’t mind. "The customer is always key."
Inge en Laurens both work in the Journey & Chain Analytics team in the Customer Experience & Processes department, where all the work revolves around the customer. Inge as analyst, Laurens as business analytics translator. What it is they do, will be explained in their answers to the following five questions.
What does your role entail?
Inge: "As an analyst I look at two things: how we can ensure the customer values our service provision, and whether VodafoneZiggo really lives up to the customer promise. Most of all I deal with listing the obstacles that customers experience. To that end I analyse customer data, customer feedback and information from employees that are in direct contact with customers. I also investigate which channels customers use most and how satisfied that leaves them. Have they found the answer to their question? Have they been serviced adequately in the shop or on the phone?"
Laurens: "As a translator I translate the business question into analyses and vice versa, the analytical findings into decision-making. I help the business improve their processes with my insights into customer behaviour. Which customer does need a serviceman to install the Horizon Box and which customer is perfectly able to do it himself? To find out, I study the customer profile, the network, the product and the contact history. At the same time I make sure these insights are retranslated into our products and service portfolio, to enable us to really live up to the customer promise."
What is your background?
Inge: "In 2015, I finished the master’s programme Strategic Marketing at Maastricht University and applied for the Discover Traineeship at Vodafone. In 2016, I started out as a Customer Experience Analyst."
Laurens studied mechanical engineering and business administration. "After my studies I ended up in IT. Actually, the things I encounter at VodafoneZiggo are what I saw in process automation in the industry ten years ago: data-based forecasting, in order to anticipate problems in the process." He has been working for VodafoneZiggo for two years now.
What kind of data issues are you currently working on?
Inge: "I constantly collect data about current services and analyse this information. With the results I help my colleagues working on the website or in customer service, to make them aware of what customers find important. I’m also involved in The Future of Conversation project. For that I analyse customer questions, for example, that are suitable for Self Service." In this project Laurens plays a support role. "In addition I’m working on a project to improve processes and customer interaction, called Fixed Improvement."
What makes your work complex (sometimes)?
"The merger between Vodafone and Ziggo means that systems need to be integrated. That process has not been finalized completely, as a result of which we are dealing with a lot of different systems", Inge explains. For Laurens his work can be a complex puzzle at times. "In a large organization like VodafoneZiggo there are many people with specialist knowledge in their area of expertise, for example a modem. It’s my job to collect all that knowledge, all those pieces of the puzzle so to say, in order to be able to draw the right conclusions."
What do you like about your work?
Inge: "Analysing customer data is something I really enjoy. If we manage to improve a process, we can potentially make five million households happy. In this way our work can have quite an impact." Laurens enjoys to achieve results, too. "We are now using a specific method to measure customer satisfaction with regard to installing modems. This introduction felt like a genuine contribution to the organization."
Interested in more information about working with data at VodafoneZiggo? Please visit our careers page.
"With the work we do we make five million households happy"
A glimpse behind the scenes at Journey & Chain Analytics