Sint Maarten Rode Kruis

Vodafone Foundation

Vodafone Foundation
The Vodafone Netherlands Foundation has been using technology since 2002 to improve the lives of people in a vulnerable position. As an independent organisation, the Foundation forms part of a global network of 27 Vodafone Foundations. Through our unique network of foundations, we can respond to specific social needs in the areas of health, education and disaster relief in countries where Vodafone is active. Read more here about our international activities.

Vision, mission and strategy
We want everyone to participate in the digital world. That's the reason behind our commitment to help 1.6 million people get connected in the period 2020-2025. For example, we will be helping young and old develop digital skills, and using our technology to bring people in difficult situations into contact with their family and friends. Developing digital skills and gaining access to digital solutions can reduce socio-economic inequalities and the chances of social exclusion. In addition, the Foundation organises volunteer activities for its employees.


Key objectives
Develope digital skills of young and old through programmes such as Online Masters, Experience Days and Welcome Online in order to increase personal opportunity. Read more >>
2) Making technological solutions available that promote social participation, such as through Dreamlab and Instant Network. Read more >>
3) Deployment of employees as volunteers via the online platform 'Step Up for Good' and organization of fundraising campaigns for charities such as the Connect Run sports event, Matched Funding and the Christmas auction.

Organisation and management
Vodafone Netherlands Foundation is a foundation registered with the Chamber of Commerce since 5 September 2002. The Foundation is funded by VodafoneZiggo (VodafoneZiggo Group Holding BV) and Vodafone Group Foundation (Vodafone Group Plc). All donations made by VodafoneZiggo are channelled through the Vodafone Netherlands Foundation.

Full name: Stichting Vodafone Netherlands Foundation
RSIN: 811241051
Street address: Boven Vredenburgpassage 128, 3511 WR Utrecht

The management board consists of three VodafoneZiggo employees and two external board members who advise on the strategy and future direction, and monitor implementation of strategy and financial accountability. The board members do not receive remuneration for their work for Vodafone Foundation. They are, however, entitled to travel expense reimbursement.

- Robin Kroes, Chair and Executive Director Consumentenmarkt at VodafoneZiggo
- Laura van Gestel, Treasurer and Director of Brand, Communication & CSR at VodafoneZiggo
- Sherry Rafiq, board member and Director of Internal Communication & Engagement at VodafoneZiggo
- Pieter Paul van Oerle, external board member and Strategy Director at The Next Web
- Louise Meijer, external board member and Chief Marketing Officer at Exact
- Heleen Crielaard, external board member and Group Marketing Director at Incentro

Financial accountability
Below you can find and download the annual reports for Vodafone Netherlands Foundation for the last years.